Monday, June 3, 2024Most businesses share the same type of risk and thus need the same insurance. General liability, for example, concerns accidents of bodily injury and property damage that can happen at any business. Some businesses have certain specialties that require additional insurance to basic policies, however. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2024A professional liability claim, also known as errors and omissions, can be filed by a customer or client of a company that errs. An error can include mistakes in written documentation or performance, failing to inform the client of a change in plans and any variety of miscommunications that result in an unsatisfied customer. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 8, 2024With nearly everything held online these days, cyber attacks have become one of the biggest fears of companies in charge of sensitive information. Ransomware is a malicious software that can block access to certain information. Hackers typically use this software to hold computer systems and data hostage until a certain amount of money is paid. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 26, 2024What does a garbage disposal have to do with homeowners insurance? A lot! If you take care of your garbage disposal, you can avoid filing damage claims for your home. Not filing lots of claims means you can keep your homeowners insurance premiums lower. So, how do you take care of a garbage disposal? READ MORE >>
Friday, January 12, 2024When you wish to keep your boat docked at a marina, you may be required to insure it with boat insurance. Some states also require a limited amount of liability insurance. Unfortunately, liability insurance won’t cover everything when it comes to your boat. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 1, 2023Owning a restaurant can be an exciting opportunity. It allows you to do what you love. However, to operate properly, your restaurant needs to have the proper equipment. That equipment is expensive. Proper commercial property insurance can help you to protect your equipment. But it comes with questions. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 3, 2023It’s rare in this day and age for a business to not use a computer network in some way, shape or form. Your business might be no exception, either. Still, any use of a computer or data network is a liability, and it’s one that needs to have a proper level of data security in place. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 2, 2023Your financial security is important to you. That is why you have insurance in the first place. You do not want anything like a car wreck, house fire or break-in to damage or destroy your property. However, one financial challenge that many people do not think about is what would happen if they were at fault for harm done to someone else. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 5, 2023Getting the right homeowners insurance requires a lot of thought and attention. After all, no two properties or the houses on them are alike. It is important that your insurance protect your specific home, belongings and family members. To do so, you will need to customize your policy to your advantage. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 10, 2023Landlord insurance is essential, as it provides valuable protection and peace of mind to property owners who rent out their properties. Landlord insurance is vital for safeguarding the financial investment in a rental property and protecting landlords from potential liabilities and unexpected events. READ MORE >>
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